About the School

School Mission Statement

The mission of Lompoc High School is to provide a quality education for every student to ensure that they all achieve a high level of success.


School Profile

Lompoc is located 150 miles northwest of Los Angeles in Santa Barbara County and has a population of approximately 43,500. The Lompoc Unified School District strives to provide a quality education for all its students with a wide range of programs and a talented staff dedicated to the needs of our students. The district serves approximately 9,700 students in grades TK-12 living in the city of Lompoc; the communities of Vandenberg Village, Mesa Oaks and Mission Hills; Vandenberg Air Force Base; and rural areas adjacent to these communities.

Lompoc High School prides itself in being the busiest campus in the district. With a large student population and with its location within the community, our campus and athletic facilities are constantly in use by our 21 interscholastic teams and various events. Lompoc High School is committed to providing a strong instructional program for all students to ensure excellence in education. The school operates on a traditional calendar.

School Vision Statement

We believe all students can learn and be successful. Each student is highly valued.
This we believe:

  • All students can succeed.
  • To be successful, students and staff require a safe and clean campus.
  • All subject areas are important to the success of the students.
  • Staff collaboration and professional growth are necessary for continuous improvement.
  • Staff represents positive role models.
  • Student success increases in a learning environment supported by students, parents, teachers, staff, site
  • administration, district administration, and the community-at-large.
  • The staff is committed to connecting students to school.
  • With support, every student can maximize learning opportunities in school to create options before
  • and after graduation.
  • Students need high expectations and the support to reach them.
  • It is possible to break the habits that lead to failure and to teach habits that lead to success. 
  • Increased student achievement is driven by planning, instruction, and assessment.

Parental Involvement

Parents and the community are very supportive of the educational program at Lompoc High School. Parents are encouraged to participate on advisory councils such as the School Site Council (SSC) and English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC). Our many active parent booster clubs support our athletic teams, band, agriculture and other programs. Parents are always welcome to attend school events including assemblies, college information nights, back-to-school night, open house, drama and dance productions, and graduation. Many programs and activities are enriched by the generous contributions made by the Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) and many local businesses. Parents who wish to become volunteers or participate in Lompoc High School leadership teams, school committees, school activities may contact Lea Holloway, administrative assistant, at (805) 742-2959.